First Christian Church is a non-denominational, independent Christian church. We seek unity with the Scriptures as they direct our faith. Our church leadership structure follows the example set forth in the New Testament: Through God’s Word and Spirit we select our leaders, call and support our ministers, decide where the mission resources will go, and to determine the ministry of the church.FCC is dedicated to helping people find their way to God and supporting that relationship as it grows and blossoms. It is our goal to provide an environment that will immediately make you feel at home and encourage you as you grow and challenge you as you learn.
Our Mission
“To know Him and make Him known.”
To Know Him – We have a deep desire to be like Christ. The only way to accomplish this is to become acquainted with who He is and what He teaches through worship, study, fellowship with other believers, and service within the body.
To Make Him Known – It’s about reaching others — Jesus commanded us to make disciples.
Our Vision
Based on Matthew 7:24-25, we as Christians are called to listen to and live out the word of God.
Listen – Listening to God can happen in a number of ways. The Bible is the primary source by which we can listen to God. At FCC, we offer a number of ways to learn from the Bible: Sunday morning sermons, Sunday school classes, home- group studies (called VineLifes), and mentoring classes. Prayer is also a common way that we hear from God. Prayer is very much a part of the ministry of FCC, and all ministries, activities, and decisions are bathed in a time of prayer.
Live – Listening to God almost always causes us to take a next step in our faith walk. We call this living out God’s word, and it manifests itself in areas such as service, evangelism, and a genuine concern for others. Our role as a church is to help you discover your gifts and put them to use. We welcome you and hope you hear from God as you seek out His will for your life.
Our Beliefs
The Bible… We believe the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God and is the final authority on all issues pertaining to the Christian’s life.
God… We believe there is one God who exists eternally in three persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Creation… We believe God created everything in six literal days, resting on the seventh.
Jesus… We believe Jesus Christ is God’s one and only Son. He was born of a virgin, was tempted as all humans are yet lived a sinless life. He voluntarily paid the price for our sin by dying on a cross in our place, was resurrected after three days, and will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Holy Spirit... We believe the Holy Spirit is God, living within a Christian. He is our Counselor, convicts us of our sin, and is our source of guidance in our daily walk.
Sin… We believe man willfully sins against God and is consequently lost without hope, apart from Jesus Christ.
Salvation… We believe salvation and the forgiveness of sins are received by grace through faith in the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Baptism… We believe all believers must follow Jesus’ example and command to be baptized (immersed) for the forgiveness of sin and demonstrate their total adherence to God’s will for their lives.
Service… We believe the Holy Spirit provides every believer with a ministry of Christian service in the church and He will provide the gifts to fulfill that ministry and make it effective.
Tithing… We believe tithing is God’s plan for supporting Christ’s Body, the church. We recognize that giving 10% of our income is the Biblical standard in giving back to God a portion of His blessings.
Church Leadership… We believe that the Elders are to lead and shepherd the flock in the local congregation by prayer and ministry of God’s Word.